Empowering Businesses with Comprehensive Safety Solutions

Helping Businesses Mitigate Risks, Reduce Liability, and Comply to Safety Regulations

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Before anything else think:

Safety First

At Safe Woman Series, our mission has always been to promote safety and security in all aspects of life. Building on our strong foundation, we are now expanding our focus to provide specialized business safety solutions. Our goal is to help real estate brokerages and small businesses enhance their safety protocols, mitigate risks, and reduce liability.

Investing in your business: Decreases Risk and Increases Value

We specialize in comprehensive risk mitigation and liability reduction strategies, offering a range of services designed to safeguard your business. Through thorough risk assessments, detailed safety program reviews, customized training sessions, policy and procedure development, and emergency preparedness planning, we ensure your business is protected from potential hazards. Our expertise in business safety solutions empowers you to create a secure environment for your employees, clients, and stakeholders, ultimately contributing to your business’s success and sustainability.

Focusing on safety not only protects your business but also increases its valuation by demonstrating a commitment to risk management and operational excellence.

“Safe Woman Series helped us implement effective safety measures, which not only reduced our liability but also enhanced our overall business operations and value.”

—Owner, Danielle Ballard

Real Estate Brokers

Invest in your agents by making their safety your highest priority

Investing in safety courses for agents is not just a prudent choice but an imperative one for brokers aiming to create a secure and thriving real estate environment. Safety courses equip agents with the knowledge and skills to identify, mitigate, and respond to potential risks, fostering a culture of awareness and preparedness.

By prioritizing safety, brokers demonstrate a commitment to their agents' well-being, instilling confidence and trust. Moreover, a safety-conscious brokerage attracts discerning clients who value professionalism and security. With the potential to reduce liability risks, enhance team productivity, and minimize turnover, the investment in safety courses becomes a strategic decision that pays dividends in both the short and long term.

Ultimately, brokers who prioritize the safety of their agents not only elevate their business reputation but also contribute to a healthier and more resilient real estate community.

Our Services for Brokers

Agent Safety: Comprehensive CE Credits

Elevate your team with a 3-hour Continuing Education (CE) credit course designed for all office agents, ensuring they stay informed and equipped with essential skills.

Skills Mastery Package: CE Credits, Weapons Training, and Keynote Inspiration

Enhance your team's capabilities further with our extended offering, which includes the 3-hour CE credit course, simulated weapons training for practical preparedness, and an inspiring hour with a keynote speaker for a well-rounded professional development experience.

Strategic Safety Pro+: CE Credits, Weapons Simulation, and Broker Program for Risk Management

Optimize safety practices with our comprehensive package, featuring the 3-hour CE credit course, simulated weapons training, and keynote speaker hour. Additionally, unlock the benefits of our Broker Safety Program Course, Safety Program Manual, and receive personalized consultation/training to seamlessly implement and integrate the safety program into your brokerage operations.

See Us in Action

Check Out Our Preferred Partner!

Versa Defense - where personal safety meets empowerment! They are on a mission to empower individuals through personal safety and confidence, and we achieve this by offering a diverse range of safety products, comprehensive training, and exclusive membership programs.

We are proud to partner with them by teaching their educational courses and weapons training.